34 research outputs found

    Being the center of attention: A Person-Context CNN framework for Personality Recognition

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    This paper proposes a novel study on personality recognition using video data from different scenarios. Our goal is to jointly model nonverbal behavioral cues with contextual information for a robust, multi-scenario, personality recognition system. Therefore, we build a novel multi-stream Convolutional Neural Network framework (CNN), which considers multiple sources of information. From a given scenario, we extract spatio-temporal motion descriptors from every individual in the scene, spatio-temporal motion descriptors encoding social group dynamics, and proxemics descriptors to encode the interaction with the surrounding context. All the proposed descriptors are mapped to the same feature space facilitating the overall learning effort. Experiments on two public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of jointly modeling the mutual Person-Context information, outperforming the state-of-the art-results for personality recognition in two different scenarios. Lastly, we present CNN class activation maps for each personality trait, shedding light on behavioral patterns linked with personality attributes

    Human Body Shape Classification Based on a Single Image

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    There is high demand for online fashion recommender systems that incorporate the needs of the consumer's body shape. As such, we present a methodology to classify human body shape from a single image. This is achieved through the use of instance segmentation and keypoint estimation models, trained only on open-source benchmarking datasets. The system is capable of performing in noisy environments owing to to robust background subtraction. The proposed methodology does not require 3D body recreation as a result of classification based on estimated keypoints, nor requires historical information about a user to operate - calculating all required measurements at the point of use. We evaluate our methodology both qualitatively against existing body shape classifiers and quantitatively against a novel dataset of images, which we provide for use to the community. The resultant body shape classification can be utilised in a variety of downstream tasks, such as input to size and fit recommendation or virtual try-on systems

    Fashion Object Detection for Tops & Bottoms

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    Fashion is one of the largest world's industries and computer vision techniques have been becoming more popular in recent years, in particular, for tasks such as object detection and apparel segmentation. Even with the rapid growth in computer vision solutions, specifically for the fashion industry, many problems are far for being resolved. Therefore, not at all times, adjusting out-of-the-box pre-trained computer vision models will provide the desired solution. In the present paper is proposed a pipeline that takes a noisy image with a person and specifically detects the regions with garments that are bottoms or tops. Our solution implements models that are capable of finding human parts in an image e.g. full-body vs half-body, or no human is found. Then, other models knowing that there's a human and its composition (e.g. not always we have a full-body) finds the bounding boxes/regions of the image that very likely correspond to a bottom or a top. For the creation of bounding boxes/regions task, a benchmark dataset was specifically prepared. The results show that the Mask RCNN solution is robust, and generalized enough to be used and scalable in unseen apparel/fashion data

    Organs to Cells and Cells to Organoids: The Evolution of in vitro Central Nervous System Modelling

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    With 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses, the human brain is not just the most complex organ in the human body, but has also been described as “the most complex thing in the universe.” The limited availability of human living brain tissue for the study of neurogenesis, neural processes and neurological disorders has resulted in more than a century-long strive from researchers worldwide to model the central nervous system (CNS) and dissect both its striking physiology and enigmatic pathophysiology. The invaluable knowledge gained with the use of animal models and post mortem human tissue remains limited to cross-species similarities and structural features, respectively. The advent of human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) and 3-D organoid technologies has revolutionised the approach to the study of human brain and CNS in vitro, presenting great potential for disease modelling and translational adoption in drug screening and regenerative medicine, also contributing beneficially to clinical research. We have surveyed more than 100 years of research in CNS modelling and provide in this review an historical excursus of its evolution, from early neural tissue explants and organotypic cultures, to 2-D patient-derived cell monolayers, to the latest development of 3-D cerebral organoids. We have generated a comprehensive summary of CNS modelling techniques and approaches, protocol refinements throughout the course of decades and developments in the study of specific neuropathologies. Current limitations and caveats such as clonal variation, developmental stage, validation of pluripotency and chromosomal stability, functional assessment, reproducibility, accuracy and scalability of these models are also discussed

    A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s

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    Particle physics has an ambitious and broad experimental programme for the coming decades. This programme requires large investments in detector hardware, either to build new facilities and experiments, or to upgrade existing ones. Similarly, it requires commensurate investment in the R&D of software to acquire, manage, process, and analyse the shear amounts of data to be recorded. In planning for the HL-LHC in particular, it is critical that all of the collaborating stakeholders agree on the software goals and priorities, and that the efforts complement each other. In this spirit, this white paper describes the R&D activities required to prepare for this software upgrade.Peer reviewe

    Human behavior understanding from motion and bodily cues using deep neural networks

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    Technological advancements in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have opened the path to systems capable of learning and sensing the environment in a way that imitates human perception. Machines are very powerful when it comes to learning regular and tangible patterns. However, there is still big room for improvement in the fields concerning the automatic understanding of behaviors and how humans use them to communicate as well as to express their feelings. This dissertation poses the critical research question of how to build computational models that can enhance machines' understanding of human intentions, behaviors, personality traits, and activities, by learning meaningful patterns from human motion and bodily cues. The findings show that by examining the rich information conveyed by human nonverbal communication (e.g. gestures, body postures, and movements), we can build smart applications in critical fields of our society such as Healthcare, Surveillance, and Affective Computing

    Being the center of attention: A Person-Context CNN framework for Personality Recognition

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    This article proposes a novel study on personality recognition using video data from different scenarios. Our goal is to jointly model nonverbal behavioral cues with contextual information for a robust, multi-scenario, personality recognition system. Therefore, we build a novel multi-stream Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) framework, which considers multiple sources of information. From a given scenario, we extract spatio-temporal motion descriptors from every individual in the scene, spatio-temporal motion descriptors encoding social group dynamics, and proxemics descriptors to encode the interaction with the surrounding context. All the proposed descriptors are mapped to the same feature space facilitating the overall learning effort. Experiments on two public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of jointly modeling the mutual Person-Context information, outperforming the state-of-the art-results for personality recognition in two different scenarios. Last, we present CNN class activation maps for each personality trait, shedding light on behavioral patterns linked with personality attributes